Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Chick--fil--a strikes back !
The store I work at has been open almost seven years.  To my knowledge, the following has never happened before.  Today the "Chick full of it" down the street brought in a big bag full of chicken sandwiches and gave to the employees.  Can you say 'timing' or what?  They are either doing really badly or they are recruiting.  If I had been at the store in the break room when they brought them in you can be sure I would have put my two cents in and told them how I felt....I will NEVER eat at their place of business...EVER !  Kudos to Jim Henson Company, the Mayors of Baltimore and Chicago for refusing to let them 'infiltrate' their hate in their communities.  BRAVO !

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest !

Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest ! A friend of mine has rental property that I manage for her. She has one place rented by three sisters. They are dumb as rocks. NO...really!!! Just an example--- just the other day a neighbor kept noticing police cars coming up and down the dead end street where they live; after this went on for a day or two, the neighbor stopped the policeman and asked what was going on. The police said they had had 911 calls reporting baby bear cubs in the area. The girls had called the police about these bear cubs for fear they might attack their kids. Anyway, after the neighbor talked to the girls who made the calls he had them describe the bear cubs to him. After a detailed account, he realized they had been seeing raccoons ! Now, these are grown-ass women ! Dumb as a rock !!! Apparently my kin look like bears !!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Why do the crazies come out on Sundays!

This happened at Home Depot today.
Apparently Home Depot 'sponsored' a Gay Rights 'thing' in California which has caused some "Religious" people to go nuts !
One of them came in the store today. He said he wanted to talk to a manager about this "Homo stuff" at Home Depot. A manager was called and came to the front. This 'religious fanatic' told our manager what he thought about Home Depot's stand on gay rights and that he would no longer be shopping at Home Depot. This man didn't come in as a customer. He didn't buy anything; he didn't even look around; he just came in solely to complain ! He could not be considered a 'customer'. He was a 'complainer'. Our assistant manager said "Home Depot strives to not discriminate against anyone; and neither me nor you were put here on Earth to judge other people!" We all said, "BRAVO !!!!!" to our assistant manager.

WHAT I WISH I COULD HAVE SAID: In hind-sight and with a clear mind, I wish I COULD have said to this closed-minded bigot any number of the following responses:
1. I'll be glad when I get to heaven because there won't be anybody who thinks like you there !
2. Judge not least ye be judged.
3. Eat sh...t and die, MF !
4. Get the F...k out of this store and stay out! We don't need "your" kind here anyway!
5. All of the above.
Add anymore responses and return to me. Thanks.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Straighten Up !

Well, I've seen it again. Prejudice at work. While at work a "friend of a friend" of mine came in. I know he's gay and he knows I am. He was shopping and three local firemen came in--you know the type, rugged, all-man, no-nonsense and generally un-accepting of others. Well, my friend rounded a corner where two of these firemen were standing and struck up a conversation with the older one. They must know each other ----somehow ! Anyway, when my friend walked away the older fireman said to the younger one "That man's a fag!" and they both laughed and watched my friend walk around the corner to finish shopping. This older fireman was bald, fat, and my gay-dar went off LOUD ! So, what was he doing? Trying to prove to the younger new-bie that he himself WASN'T a 'fag' when in fact he probably IS ? You only hate yourself when you hate others --especially if you are trying desperately to separate yourself from WHAT you really are. As Shakespeare said, "Me thinks thou doest protest too much". Shakespeare was a smart man.

Monday, November 30, 2009

"There's More To Worry About Than The Swine Flu !"
Well, today at work I realized that we have a lot more to fear than someone passing along Swine Flu on shopping cart handles. As I went to retrieve one of these necessary shopping devices I started to reach in and remove what I thought was a lonely piece of trash from inside the cart. I had to do a double-take: to my utter disgust there lay a USED BLOODY TAMPON--with string attached ! After holding back an urge to barf my breakfast, I called over a female worker to verify my fear; unfortunately I was correct in my conclusion. After covering it with several paper towels, wrapping my hand in our plastic shopping bag, I gently, but quickly retrieved the offensive object and flung it into the nearest trash bin. We sprayed the cart down thoroughly with a cloud of Lysol Disinfectant, and sat it out in the rain to let nature clean it thoroughly. Other employees quickly heard of my experience and we all speculated on just WHO had left his 'gift' and HOW had they done it and WHERE had it happened---did a customer require some kind of customer service in aisle 6 (plumbing) for assistance in relieving a clogged tube? Needless to say, the next time I run into Walmart I'm going to request a "Buggy Condom" to place over the entire cart--nothing else will ease my mind as to what might have been in THEIR carts. Swine Flu on shopping cart handles doesn't sound so bad anymore, does it?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

What do you think is going on here?

A man came into the store and bought the following items:
Two lawnmowers.
One chainsaw.
Two pairs of loppers (for cutting tree limbs).
Two hatchets.
One pull-saw
One large gas can.
One hundred and eighty rolls of packing tape.
He bought extended warranties on the power equipment.
When asked what he needed two lawnmowers for he said, "One is for my EX-wife".
When asked what he needed 180 rolls of packing tape for he said, "To wrap up my projects".
What do YOU think is going on here?
I don't even WANT to guess, myself.
P.S. He came in two days later and bought several boxes of LARGE sized, thick, contractor-type trash bags !

Friday, June 26, 2009

Letters To The Editor
News Sentinel
2332 News Sentinel Dr.
Knoxville, TN 37921-5761

“You Can’t Get There From Here Anymore”
Well, the so-called “Smart-Fix 40” project of TDOT is “officially” completed. However, you can’t get there from here anymore. As a resident of South Knoxville, I only used the James White Parkway to gain direct access to Broadway near Cecil Avenue; and, I would return to South Knoxville via James White Parkway at the same point. Neither of these routes now exists. Didn’t anyone notice that TDOT ‘conveniently’ ignored this major throughway when redesigning this intersection? Now to access Broadway from the South end via James White Parkway one must exit Hill Street, go to the top of Summit Drive, left on Summit, right on Hall of Fame, to the old North 5th Avenue having gone through 9 traffic lights, and a choice of 2 school zones, and four more roads, fighting downtown traffic—and adding about 10-20 minutes more depending on the time of day. And—the return trip from Broadway is impossible—unless you go 40 W, to 275 N, turn around at one of the exits, head back 275 S to 40 E and exit James White Parkway to South Knoxville ! Where’s the logic in this? Seems like those who live South of the river don’t matter to TDOT anymore. Well, I for one say, if you care so little about us in South Knoxville, then you can FORGET about extending James White Parkway to Chapman at John Sevier—because we won’t be able to get there from here anymore either !!!
P.S. (not to the editor) TDOT will probably add these on/off ramps when they want to extend James White Parkway--they will hold it over South Knoxville like a carrot on a stick--"Want to get to Broadway from here? Well....have we got a new road for you!"